Woman II Woman: Will the Real you Please Stand up?

Disgusted, feeling overwhelmed? Tired of being a carbon copy of someone else? Or do you envy someone and you don’t understand why? Heartbroken, Depressed and feel you cannot move forward? If so, Tammie has written this book just for you! My Sister, it’s your time and season to live up to your full potential and grow with purpose. While reading you will discover how to…take inventory of your life, enjoy and live your best life now, bounce back from the disappointments in life, love you and be all God has destined you to be, and apply scriptural principles to everyday concerns in life. Woman II Woman: Will the REAL You Please Stand Up? is an easy read for woman of all walks of life. Life Coach and Motivational Speaker, Tammie T. Minor, shares the word of God while exploring real life issues. She imparts wisdom to women whether married or single of how to love and celebrate themselves.

